To Stand as the Queens of their Lives
& Reign on their Personal Throne
* NOTE: this offering is held online. you may attend live, through the replays, or a bit of both! This training will be POWERFUL, leading-edge & transformative, However you receive it!
It’s time to clear and declutter the quantum noise.
Sisters, there is only one real quantum – the womb space. And it’s from this place of infinite potential that we birth our majesty.
We are not quantum leaping - we are descending deep into our wombs
(the original zero point, cauldron & abyss) to stand on our embodied, fully-claimed thrones.
The word "alchemy" itself derives from the Egyptian word "khem", meaning the Great Cosmic Womb, or the mystical birthing portal of All That Is.
Almost a year ago, I was asked by the Divine to bring these leadership codes & templates through- and I listened to the call… This is a container birthed from the depths of my heart & womb to yours, guided by the infinite wisdom of the Goddess and the knowing of my soul. And I, Kaya, am moved, honored & humbled to steward this space.
This training is a synthesis of over a decade of my life’s work including my skills, energetics, embodiment & mastery, and is my most powerful, leading-edge and comprehensive offering for women. I cannot wait for this transformative journey we will take together!
One that has been gestating in the deeper cauldron of possibility until it was time.
For we can no longer ignore the immense calling of...
So many of us feel a yearning in our hearts… A pulse in our souls. An ancient story activating within our beings.
It’s a sensation we cannot shake. A greater recognition of who we are and where we come from… as divine women and multidimensional creatrixes.
We begin to feel a rumbling within— a divine cry— from Life itself to Lead the Way into something New, yet something etched into our soul’s memory, as lineage-holders of Wise Women past—
Slowly, we start to open our ancient eyes to an imminent vision of the new world we know, within every fiber of our being, that we are destined to create…
Especially as the old world shifts and crumbles all around us.
We stand before a pivotal moment in humanity’s evolution: Evolve or decay.
And, because of this, all Awakened Women have a sacred duty at this time to rise into the fullness of their gifts, bringing their sacred medicine to an aching world.
To stand as the Queens that we are and fulfill our Sacred Duty.
And the time is NOW.
The Womb is the Feminine Grail to All That Is, and it’s time to start creating from THIS space. It is from the Quantum Womb, a dazzling void pregnant with possibility, that we create our most magnetic, fully-expressed, spirit-led & purpose-imbued lives, reining as QUEENS over our personal majesty.
The name "Quantum Queendom" is a complete redefinition of the quantum as we know it- it has little to do with the “quantum” we have been sold on. And everything to do with our wombs as an Infinite Portal to Creation.
to authentically & devotionally lead, to reclaim the ancient, creative power of their Wombs & take their embodiment, vision, brand, business, impact, wealth, dharma & legacy to the next octave…
& claim the lives they were truly meant to…
where they are so nourished, so tended to, so complete, that they can effortlessly & ecstatically give from a full cup.
that lights them up with meaning and depth, as a vehicle to translate their essence into form.
and restore sacredness and ceremony to this space, creating a self-regenerating ecosystem of overflow and reciprocity.
for themselves, their families, and their communities.
This full-spectrum Rite of Passage is for you.
We will move through a range & depth of feminine embodiment + liberated expression to unlock your unique Queen’s Template. We will journey into womb wisdom & inner quantum power, the feminine mysteries, deep-seated intuition & alignment, emotional maturity & resiliency, the feminine shadow, ancestral healing & mind-body-spirit coherence. We will learn to integrate the mother & sister wounds, feel safe to be seen & received, invite new models of circular power, as well as play with the Divine Muse.
We will learn how to hold wealth as an internal state of overflow & resourcefulness, inviting in more prosperity, ease & reciprocity in our lives. We will learn how to receive & take in Life as a Sacred Counterpart. We will marry ourselves to the mystery & learn to trust in the perfection of the unfoldment. We will unleash our creative channel, dissolve the masks & facades, de-armor our hearts & bodies, claim our most authentic expression & activate the power of our voices. We will learn to fully trust in our codes, radiate our innate feminine essence & unify the masculine & feminine within. We will learn our Feminine Leadership Archetype and how to lead others from the intuitive guidance of our wombs.
We will regulate our nervous systems, come home to our bodies & open our sacred vessels to new pathways of presence, power & pleasure. We will learn to give from a FULL CUP. We will play, dance, sing, create & celebrate. We will descend into our bodies. We will laugh, cry, howl & claim. We will remember our power & magnitude. We will create our Living Legacy & Life's Masterpiece. And most importantly, we will give ourselves undiluted permission to express All That We Are as Infinite Creatrixes & Multidimensional Women!
The Business component of the training will support you in birthing (or clarifying/refining) the full expression of your Conscious Business & Brand, including the components of soul-aligned Marketing, Advertising, Sales, Branding (a transmission of your essence into form), Graphics (including photography, color palettes, typography & lay-out), Language & Story-Telling, Brand Voice/Recognition, Launches, Social Media, Self-Regenerative Business Ecosystems & SO much more.
The Queen’s Leadership component of this training will take you into deeper levels of your sacred purpose, mission, impact & legacy! You will learn the pillars of Queenship, including how to stand as a sovereign, articulate, embodied, attuned, full-spectrum Feminine Leader. You will also learn how to create & lead Wise Women's Circles/Containers in your own community as a Facilitator.
• Powerful Live Transmissions
• Leadership Initiations
• Transformational Mentorship
• Feminine Embodiment
• Vocal Activation
• Clarifying Your Soul’s Mission & Highest Service Blueprint
• Holistic Business & Brand Mentorship
• Legacy Building
• Deep Experiential Journeys
• Sacred Sisterhood
• Queendom Codes
I, Kaya, will also guide you in claiming your wealth blueprint, and share how I went from 5 figures to multiple 6 figures in less than 6 months, by recoding my wealth framework, fully activating my deeper dharmic path, opening to embody the feminine technology of wealth & steadfastly applying the deeper energetic & relational principles of money creation.
To women of all ethnicities, textures, ages, countries, and origins. To the soul-led entrepreneurs, the CEOs, the way-showers, and golden age pioneers; to the mysticas, the healers, and the dreamers. To the seers, the wise women, the oracles, and the wisdom keepers. To the priestesses, goddesses, witches, and Magdalenes. To the medicine women and storytellers; to the mothers, maidens, and crones. To the movers and shakers, the pattern interrupters, and matrix-glitchesses. To the soft and tender to the fierce and emboldened. To the ones here to dream a different world into being… the ones who know in their hearts what is possible. To the ones devotionally committed to live a new paradigm now, first and foremost in their own selves, forged within every cell of their bodies, their wombs and their beings. To the ones who are here to lead the world into a new template of seeing, relating, and experiencing… through their own mirroring and embodiment.
To the Queens ready to REIGN on their Fully-Expressed Throne…
The endless obsession with Quantum Leaping ...
The exhausting quests of ‘instant, exponential growth'... Of more, more, more…
So why is this Training called Quantum Queendom then? Because the Womb is the Original Quantum- the great Birther of All Things... And it is only from this Portal of Infinite Possibility that we can forge the life that is TRULY OURS FOR THE CLAIMING. Womb Consciousness is Infinite, and, as women, we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible to birth through us. We will get deeper into this later…
The version of the quantum we have been sold on, which is actually a distortion, does not account for the Womb… or the body/nervous system for that matter. It’s simply an abstract idea of growth that lives in the mind.
And in the mind, we can always want more.
But the deeper question becomes: Have we cleared the pathways in self to actually sustain our expansion? And are we able to ground it in on an embodiment level? Or... is there a subtle (or not-so-subtle) disconnect between our mental wanting and what is here and present?
Simply put: Without the womb and the body as part of the equation, quantum ‘leaping’ can’t endure…
I believe that organic Quantum Expansion must be matched by our capacity in the body, womb, and nervous system to actually hold it. Otherwise, it is unsustainable. And when we can't actually sustain the expanded version of ourselves, it instead becomes a misaligned seeking for more- yet a seeking which covertly tells the deeper part of ourselves that we are not enough, worthy, or valuable as we are…
Why? Because we are constantly striving to become something different. This route creates more and more internal fracturing, taking us further away from the experience we truly want.
It's a paradox.
Now let’s be clear, this doesn’t mean we can’t innately desire to expand, create, and play with more, but what it does mean is that it should be a natural byproduct of our alignment; something that can be inhabited within all levels of our being.
Sustainable expansion must birth from mind-body-spirit coherence, alongside an intimate relationship with our Wombs.
Because if the body can’t hold it, it won’t last.
And we will, in turn, find ourselves in an inner battle between our conscious desires and our real-time somatic capabilities.
When we can’t actually hold it, we get lost in a mental fixation of 'more' without the deeper availability to embody it.
Meaning, if our consciousness desires more but our nervous system is stuck in a pattern of entrainment that tells us its not safe to embody more, we enter into a space called Conflicting Intentions... And there’s the ‘rub’, as the expression goes.
Fixating on “quantum leaping” when it is not able to be held in the body or nervous system is a futile quest.
It's actually an unconscious redirect to lack and deficiency rather than directing one's attention toward the fullness of what is here now. Meaning, by constantly seeking something different, we dishonor the parts of us that yearn to feel enough, whole, and complete just as they are.
Instead, we move through a natural, alchemical process of clearing and recalibrating the deeper patterns of resistance which block us from what is *already here*… and maroon us from the *effortless embodiment of our authentic desire*.
Because when we dissolve the self-imposed blockages to the abundance, prosperity, and creativity that is ever-available and all around us, it has no choice but to pour through us…
...and we become a living conduit to the highest genius, magick, and truth that wants to MOVE us. Move through us, within us, all around us… Devotionally and ecstatically spilling into the world and into everything we touch.
This is how a Queen's genius is born— by dying into radical trust and surrender. A dance between formless and form. Through ecstatic portals of death and rebirth. And it is only in our full-bodied opening that we can allow the creative feminine spark to animate us; enliven us; embolden and emblazon us into new heights and depths of our work, our medicine, our service, our legacy, our life masterpiece…
THIS is the pathway.
As Rumi so eloquently wrote, 'Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.’ And the same goes for the unbounded resources that are all around us, within and without: creativity, genius, passion, eros, purpose, greatness, deep wisdom, pristine knowing, and so on…
If we want to be FILLED by love, pleasure, creative fire, and truth then we must seek out all the places where we deny these qualities within ourselves… The ways in which we block them. In which we don’t allow our full expression to radiate. In which we obstruct our innate magnetism. In which we become our own worst enemy.
So what if we were to open, surrender, allow, receive, and savor the bounty and majesty of Life? To create full intimacy with every part of our experience, even that which is tender, painful or difficult?
This is the first part of the process.
The second is simple: If we truly want to organically expand and deepen, we must look to one essential space: the Womb.
As women, the womb portal we hold within us is a vast, liminal, and energetic space that can be accessed within the core of our being. The womb, when activated, serves as a portal to the remembrance of our most primordial, radiant, and magnetic feminine self. The awakening of the Womb also invites us to birth our Shakti life force energy into the world.
The Womb is the eternal mystery of the primordial, dazzling darkness that brings dreams into being. It is a gateway to a powerful realm of wisdom and inner knowing. It is the Feminine Holy Grail: the chalice that holds the secrets of life in numerous capacities.
We do not have to search outside ourselves to receive the answers we seek in our lives; we need only make a pilgrimage deep inside our own bodies- our most exquisite temples. Our bodies are temples because Source lives inside of us, and we house these codes within.
Every cell is a portal to the divine, and the womb is the mother of the magnificent system we call the female body. She holds all the answers and wisdom that we seek so long as we learn how to attune to Her and deeply listen.
Did you know that within feminine mystery teachings, the womb space is considered the GRAIL of the feminine?
An aspect of this Training will include an intentional journey through your own personal womb space into the Womb of Creation, the feminine source of all life. We will take this sacred pilgrimage into the Temple of Woman to merge with our original blueprint of feminine divinity— the gateway to our prismatic wholeness. The consciousness that lives in our wombs births our reality, and has the power to rebirth it as well— as the Womb is a quantum cradle of potential, brimming with infinite life.
The womb is our ultimate feminine birthright and the portal to all possibility.
Coming back into this state of connection allows us to fully embody our sacred vessel and birth a higher frequency of creation, whether in the physical form of a child or through our creative offerings/sacred service which we give into the world. As we begin to reconnect with our womb space, we may find deep pain, grief or sorrow rising to the surface— for the majority of our unresolved trauma lies here. Thus, it is imperative to transmute these pains into love and awareness in order to bring forth a new generation and higher planetary vibration, free from the bonds of generational pain and trauma. As we heal ourselves and the womb, we heal for our families, loved ones, ancestral lineages, the women in our life, and for our collective sisterhood at large. This is the deepest work we can ever do. And it is so immensely needed at this time in our collective evolution.
Many seers have acknowledged, the return to the Divine Feminine will be what saves us.
Sacred Queen, this space has been created as a pilgrimage into your innermost landscape, for you to experience the absolute and holy wonders which exist within your vessel, and for you to unlock your ancient, inborn knowing. This space has been created for you to be held in honor and devotion, creativity and inspiration, magick and mystery, all the while nurtured in safety and encouragement as you meet your deeper layers to be witnessed, loved, and integrated. This space has been created for you to unify both shadow and light into true wholeness, reemerging with a potent alchemical medicine to carry forth into the world.
Through the entirety of our transformative container, we invite you to know yourself deeply as a sacred, whole and embodied Queen. You will be seen, held, catalyzed, and celebrated. You will be surrounded by a circle of nourishing sisterhood and unwavering support.
In turn, the invitation throughout our time together will be for you to welcome in and lovingly embrace all parts of self, gracefully entering into your total being, compassionately turning toward what is alive and present within, and remaining open, curious and receptive to your personal journey and sacred unfoldment.
This is a call to women of all lineages, countries, and backgrounds to come together in an intimate circle of soulful communion; to awaken, activate, amplify, and empower each other into their highest expression and embodiment of the Queen. It is woven as an exquisite pilgrimage home, delving into the magnificence and intimacy of our divine feminine nature and luminous feminine vessels.
We will also journey into Embodied Feminine Way-Showing, Holistic Business & Quantum Womb Creation. This will additionally be a beautiful opportunity to connect with awakened women from all across the globe through a container of the sacred feminine.
“The yoniverse is a sexual, sensual, vast, sentient being. The thread of her infinite ecstasy weaves in cosmic womb waves through all of creation, flowing across the shimmering web of life. We are gestated, birthed, dissolved, and then rebirthed in waves of her galactic womb cycles of joyful conception... From this dark cauldron of bliss, all is birthed—dripping and glittering with luminosity, sparkling with golden erotic luster, pulsing with pleasure beams of light. Dare we claim our inheritance of luminosity, our birthright of brilliance?”
Kaya is the Founder and Director of Sacred Breath Academy, an established leader in the Breathwork field for over 7 years, with more than 500 Sacred Breath Facilitators around the globe, on 6 continents, and over 40 countries (and counting). Kaya is also the Creatrix of The Sacred Breath Method™. Kaya takes a holistic, spacious & feminine approach to breath journeying, which guides the breather into the cultivation of deep self-intimacy, to truly 'know thyself'. Kaya is also the Creator of The Sophia Breathwork Method™ for women, designed to awaken the embodied remembrance of the Divine Feminine. Kaya has additionally established a Modern-Day Feminine Mystery School- an expansive living library of feminine arts wisdom + embodiment teachings. She is also trained in Emotional Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, Compassionate Inquiry, Conscious Communication, the Subconscious Domain, Trauma & Nervous System Awareness, and much more.
Will you claim all that is yours? Will you fully stand on your Feminine Throne? Will you awaken your Sacred Queen codes?
In regards to the Conscious Business component of this training, Kaya has a Business Honors degree from the McCombs School (a top-ranked business school) with minors in Communication & Depth Psychology. She also holds the embodied experience of over 15 years in business, both corporate & conscious. She is currently passionate about transmuting the old paradigm of business into something more nourishing, aligned, regenerative and holistic. Kaya is also a self-created, multi 6 figure Conscious Business owner and stewardess of Sacred Wealth Embodiment. In this training, she will share how she built a thriving global business from the ground up, and the real-time tools it requires. She will also explain the necessity of cohering both masculine and feminine principles in business, and how both are required to work together.
She will additionally support you in claiming your highest wealth blueprint, and share how she went from 5 figures to multiple 6 figures (and growing!) in a short period of time, by recoding her wealth framework, fully activating her deeper purpose, intelligently scaling her business in a sustainable & regenerative way + steadfastly applying quantum energetic & relational principles of money creation.
Kaya is an anchor of higher truth and both ancient & modern knowledge, maintaining the role of the archetypal priestess and wisdom-keeper of the deeper mysteries of the feminine. She is a visionary that seeks not to rebel against the old structures and systems, but rather to transmute and transform them into new ways of being, seeing, relating, and living. She perceives a metamorphosized and awakened world on the horizon, and it is her foremost mission to assist in building this collective dream every step of the way, even if its totality extends far beyond her lifetime.
Kaya has crafted sacred & transformative containers for over a decade, supporting thousands of people all over the world. She is a powerful guide, catalyst & initiator whose life’s work exists for one essential reason: to guide others home… back into their sacred totality, in the reclamation of their full-spectrum embodiment. It is from this precious place that sustainable change is born, but not before taking that courageous journey into one’s totality. Through this beautiful practice, we ignite the full-bodied remembrance that the grail is not outside of us. Rather, our grail quest exists within the sacred decent into All That We Are… Kaya’s promise is that she will gently challenge you to rise and remember that everything you have ever searched for is already inside of you. And that you hold infinite capacities within, yearning to be fully realized.
Kaya is the Founder and Director of Sacred Breath Academy, an established leader in the Breathwork field for over 7 years, with more than 500 Sacred Breath Facilitators around the globe, on 6 continents, and over 40 countries (and counting). Kaya is additionally the Creatrix of The Sacred Breath Method™. Kaya takes a holistic, spacious & feminine approach to breath journeying, which guides the breather into the cultivation of deep self-intimacy. Kaya is also the Creator of The Sophia Breathwork Method™ for women, designed to awaken & empower the embodied remembrance of the Divine Feminine. She has additionally established a Modern-Day Feminine Mystery School, an expansive living library of feminine arts wisdom and embodiment teachings.
She is also trained in Emotional Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, Compassionate Inquiry, Conscious Communication, the Subconscious Domain, Trauma & Nervous System Awareness, and much more.
In regards to the Conscious Business component of this training, Kaya has a Business Honors degree from the McCombs School (a top-ranked business school) with minors in Communication & Depth Psychology. She also holds the embodied experience of over 15 years in business, both corporate & conscious. She is currently passionate about transmuting the old paradigm of business into something more nourishing, aligned, regenerative and holistic. Kaya is also a self-created, multi 6 figure Conscious Business owner and Stewardess of Sacred Wealth Embodiment.
In this training, she will share how she built a thriving global business from the ground up, and the real-time tools it requires. She will also explain the necessity of cohering both masculine and feminine principles in business, and how both are required to work together.
She will additionally support you in claiming your highest wealth blueprint, and share how she went from 5 figures to multiple 6 figures (and growing!) in a short period of time, by recoding her wealth framework, fully activating her deeper purpose, intelligently scaling her business in a sustainable & regenerative way + applying energetic & relational principles of money creation.
Kaya is an anchor of both ancient & modern knowledge, maintaining the role of the archetypal priestess and wisdom-keeper of deeper mysteries of the feminine. She is a visionary that seeks not to rebel against the old structures and systems, but rather to transmute and transform them into new ways of being, seeing, relating, and living. She perceives a metamorphosized and awakened world on the horizon, and it is her foremost mission to assist in building this collective dream every step of the way, even if its totality extends far beyond her lifetime.
Kaya has crafted sacred and transformative containers for over a decade, supporting thousands of people all over the world. She is a powerful guide, catalyst & initiator whose life’s work exists for one essential reason: to guide others home… back into their sacred totality, in the reclamation of their full-spectrum embodiment. It is from this precious place that sustainable change is born, but not before taking that courageous journey into one’s totality. Through this beautiful practice, we ignite the full-bodied remembrance that the grail is not outside of us. Rather, our grail quest exists within the sacred decent into All That We Are… In the complete recognition that we are the ones we seek. That we are divinity in manifest form… In this, we reclaim the knowing that the complete power of the universe swirls within our wombs, patiently waiting to be unlocked! Kaya’s promise is that she will gently challenge you to rise and remember that everything you have ever searched for is already inside of you. And that you hold infinite capacities within, yearning to be fully realized.
Kaya is the Founder and Director of Sacred Breath Academy, an established leader in the Breathwork field for over 7 years, with more than 500 Sacred Breath Facilitators around the globe, on 6 continents, and over 40 countries (and counting). Kaya is additionally the Creatrix of The Sacred Breath Method™. Kaya takes a holistic, spacious & feminine approach to breath journeying, which guides the breather into the cultivation of deep self-intimacy. Kaya is also the Creator of The Sophia Breathwork Method™ for women, designed to awaken & empower the embodied remembrance of the Divine Feminine. She has additionally established a Modern-Day Feminine Mystery School, an expansive living library of feminine arts wisdom and embodiment teachings.
She is also trained in Emotional Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, Compassionate Inquiry, Conscious Communication, the Subconscious Domain, Trauma & Nervous System Awareness, and much more.
In regards to the Conscious Business component of this training, Kaya has a Business Honors degree from the McCombs School (a top-ranked business school) with minors in Communication & Depth Psychology. She also holds the embodied experience of over 15 years in business, both corporate & conscious. She is currently passionate about transmuting the old paradigm of business into something more nourishing, aligned, regenerative and holistic. Kaya is also a self-created, multi 6 figure Conscious Business owner and Stewardess of Sacred Wealth Embodiment.
In this training, she will share how she built a thriving global business from the ground up, and the real-time tools it requires. She will also explain the necessity of cohering both masculine and feminine principles in business, and how both are required to work together.
She will additionally support you in claiming your highest wealth blueprint, and share how she went from 5 figures to multiple 6 figures (and growing!) in a short period of time, by recoding her wealth framework, fully activating her deeper purpose, intelligently scaling her business in a sustainable & regenerative way + applying energetic & relational principles of money creation.
Kaya is an anchor of both ancient & modern knowledge, maintaining the role of the archetypal priestess and wisdom-keeper of deeper mysteries of the feminine. She is a visionary that seeks not to rebel against the old structures and systems, but rather to transmute and transform them into new ways of being, seeing, relating, and living. She perceives a metamorphosized and awakened world on the horizon, and it is her foremost mission to assist in building this collective dream every step of the way, even if its totality extends far beyond her lifetime.
Kaya has crafted sacred and transformative containers for over a decade, supporting thousands of people all over the world. She is a powerful guide, catalyst & initiator whose life’s work exists for one essential reason: to guide others home… back into their sacred totality, in the reclamation of their full-spectrum embodiment. It is from this precious place that sustainable change is born, but not before taking that courageous journey into one’s totality. Through this beautiful practice, we ignite the full-bodied remembrance that the grail is not outside of us. Rather, our grail quest exists within the sacred decent into All That We Are… In the complete recognition that we are the ones we seek. That we are divinity in manifest form… In this, we reclaim the knowing that the complete power of the universe swirls within our wombs, patiently waiting to be unlocked! Kaya’s promise is that she will gently challenge you to rise and remember that everything you have ever searched for is already inside of you. And that you hold infinite capacities within, yearning to be fully realized.
“I truly can’t speak highly enough of Kaya and SBA. Through industries (both breathwork & coaching) that seem filled with spiritual bypassing and an over-focus on ‘pleasure’ without actually journeying into one’s depths first, as well as the overfocus on material wealth and achieving the ‘next milestone’ or ‘xK months’, I have been led to unfollow and move away from many of the leaders that I once saw as expanders.
Yet SBA has remained in the highest integrity and Kaya is truly my greatest expander, for experientially-based wisdom + conscious wealth & business. I am so grateful to be in Kaya’s containers as they have taught me SO much, on every level— physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically, and beyond.
Every module I worked through had my soul/womb/heart screaming “YES! This is the work! This is it!” The words, the wisdom, the message, all of it just spoke to me in ways that no other course or teacher has. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for this work, and it is no coincidence that this year, alongside this training, has been the most beautifully-unraveling + wildly-transformative year yet.”
“I’ve put off writing this testimonial because every time I sit down to bring words to the page, nothing in the spoken or written word can begin to express the magnitude of Kaya’s training. To begin,
Kaya is the first mentor I’ve ever had (in my over decades-long devotion) who truly embodies divine feminine leadership. She seamlessly intertwines ancient wisdom to a modern-day context without making it about her. It’s as if an ancient elder has settled into a young female body, forming a magnificent harmony of sage wisdom and beauty.
Because of the sacred container she created, I felt safe, held, and seen. This allowed for the most transformational journey of my life. Her trainings go beyond the physical, beyond the emotional, beyond the explicable to the deepest recesses of intuitive power and knowing. My life as I know it will never be the same. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
"When a {Queen} is truly seated on her throne, she realizes that she carries the throne within her- because our bodies are the temple of our souls. To be seated on our throne is to be well-placed inside our own sacred chambers, deeply grounded into the core of Mother Earth, rooted in the center of our womb, and connected to the stars and the sky. {Here we allow the Goddess to flow through us, as us}."
No spiritual bypassing here! This isn’t just a training to unlock the pleasure points of the feminine. Rather, we fully understand her many many facets and expressions. Because of this, we will not shy away from meeting the more delicate aspects of your being that can arise within this work as we heal and integrate the tender and vulnerable textures within us. A concern we often see in women’s work is an inability for industry facilitators to fully meet the depth of what can arise when guiding women into the womb space. Because we see the harm that is caused by so many not being able to hold it there, we take the utmost care and consideration in honoring all parts of one’s experience, not just the pleasurable or comfortable ones. For our wholeness includes all things which exist within us.
We deeply understand the importance of meeting and embracing the tender wounds we each carry before we may set them free. We will hold space for you so that any lost, fragmented or disassociated aspects of self are fully seen, honored and integrated. Because our wounds are the gateway to our freedom.
By creating containers of self-intimacy, we are anchoring a way of being that represents what is possible for humanity if we were to fully honor our relationship to self, our sisters, the sacred earth, and the Great Mother. It is our intention that this experience will inspire you to redefine your relationship with life itself and allow your real-time priorities in waking reality to reflect the unfathomable beauty and depth of what is possible. When we deepen into this process of recognition, in true vulnerability, openness and receptivity, each participant (including the facilitators) will depart as a completely different person— *a truer, more authentic and soul-aligned Queen*.
From this place, we create, birth and manifest anew, from a bare palette of unlimited possibility, aligning with higher universal truths and forging a unique path of our own, woven from our soul’s medicine and deepest inner knowing. Here, we remember that we are conscious life artists, creating our manifest masterpiece upon the canvas of existence.
The space created for your metamorphosis will be one of grace and profundity, gentle yet deep. From the moment you step into this container until the moment we close, you are held in a deeply intentional space of ceremony, transformation and activation.
The next live cohort of Quantum Queendom begins in September 2025. Enroll now for early bird savings! This program will fill up.
We host all scheduled events in alternating times which accommodate most time zones worldwide. By working with a revolving schedule, we can support a global container in the most fair and balanced way.
If you’re unable to join live - all calls will be recorded & available in your Kajabi vault. We currently work with these time zones but can adapt based on the needs of the groups:
Americas/Europe/UK|12pm or 3pm EST (New York)/5pm or 8pm GMT (London)
Americas/Asia/Australia| 6pm EST (New York)/10 am AEDT (Sydney)
The MasterTransmissions, Queen Councils & Guest Workshops will be booked out 2-3 months in advance where possible. The summer schedule will be booked out 1-2 months in advance. You will be able to set your schedule seasonally to choose what you can attend live, and what you will receive through the replay. Remember, if you can’t attend live, the transmissions are always recorded to watch at your ease!
If you invest in the Diamond, Platinum or Emerald Queen package, you will receive personalized support. During our 2 x monthly group mentoring sessions on Voxer, you will have the opportunity to be mentored by Kaya. The private 1-1 sessions will be fully tailored to your needs- leadership, business, relational, inner experiencing, etc. For the Gold Package, you will receive small group, semi-private support once a month.
We do not offer refunds for this training. Kaya fully stands behind the transformative power of this offering and is deeply committed to showing up for you throughout these 9 months. We trust that if you’re feeling a YES it’s because you are ready! If you are unsure, please read through our large volume of testimonials here!
No, there is no application or prerequisites to take this training! It is open and available for all women of all walks of life who feel the call to join, so as long as they are ready to stand as the Queen of their Lives & Legacy!
Kaya has a Business Honors Degree in Marketing, Communication & Depth Psychology from a highly-ranked business school. She has been teaching, guiding, facilitating & leading for over a decade. She is a Master Breathwork & Embodiment Practitioner & Trainer, International Speaker & Golden Age Iniatress who has supported thousands of students, clients and women specifically to become more fully-expressed in their embodiment and activated in their soul’s blueprint. She is also trained in Womb Awakening, Emotional Intelligence, Somatic Experiencing, Polyvagal Theory, Compassionate Inquiry, Conscious Communication, the Subconscious Domain, Trauma & Nervous System Awareness, and much more. Additionally, she has the embodied experience of over 15 years in business, from corporate to conscious, and is passionate about re-templating business to be more holistic, nervous system-led and soul-aligned.
We are here to remind you that you are an aspect of Goddess, and that a limitless power lives within you.
If you were in full relationship with this knowing, would you stand as the awe-inspiring Queen that you are? As a sentient spark of All That Is? Would you embrace your divine royalty?
Royalty has nothing to do with status or title. Rather, it is a wealth of being; a merit of the soul. External wealth can only truly birth from this internal place. True, expressed Soul Royalty is the art of standing upon the throne of your most ancient (yet timeless) knowing… And ecstatically living from the zero-point field of the heart & womb. Because You. Are. It. And your Queenhood lives within you. It’s time to fully CLAIM it!
What would it feel like to rise into & embody your sacred totality? What would it feel like to remember your infinite origin?
“Below are my words that I feel could never really explain the profoundness of the training, but here goes! It was one of the most powerful learning, healing, and growing experiences of my life. From the first moment I sat down in the opening circle, I knew my life would never be the same. What sets Kaya’s containers apart from the rest is not only the embodied wisdom and potency of her teachings, but the deep holding you feel within the space. The holding present allowed me to uncover parts of myself that were so important. The container created was so sacred and I will forever be carrying that into my world and community.
As a facilitator, Kaya has a presence that I’ve not felt in a learning environment before. She oozes love and acceptance and embodies her truth in a way that was refreshing to witness and is so deeply needed in this world. She holds space that feels so sacred and so nourishing that you are able to go deep within to retrieve the medicine you need.
Working with her was like coming home, over and over again. I was able to heal traumas from this life and beyond, gain clarity around my path, and in the most vulnerable of spaces, the facilitators held me in ways I have been yearning for on a deep soul level. I learned that when women come together led by the heart, a ripple of change is sent out across the planet. I learned that to be a great leader, you must lead yourself with presence, truth, and trust first, and that external “sparkly shit” means nothing if you don’t have that inner world knowing walking with you, in every step. For the first time in my life, I felt safe to be me. To be ALL of me, no matter how “too much” it may feel for others."
“I knew that this training was going to be transformational. I felt it in my bones and the beating of my heart. And I was blown away… What this work has the power to unwind, to touch, to honor, the raw, to heal is beyond. This. is. it. This, is what the world needs.
Kaya, with veneration I thank you. That which you teach is exquisite beyond measure. The caliber of this training and of your ability to hold space and serve as a guide into each journey was a true privilege to experience and to be a part of.
Every cell in my body and soul knew it was safe within this container to explore the deepest, most vulnerable parts of myself. The multilayered unwinding, the ecstatic joy, the great rivers of tears, the awe-inspired aha-instances of deep uncovering and truth unveiled, each a holy moment that cannot be captured in words. This was truly breath-giving, a multitude of sacredness proclaiming life, permeating our hearts, and forever changing our lives. I bow in gratitude.”
“I feel like a baby in her mother’s arms.... In every moment of this training I have felt so welcome to walk in, freely sit with all that IS.... to be fully me, with my parts of light and also raw darkness and shadow, free of judgment. I have felt so cradled.
The experience has been absolutely impeccable, life-changing, and paradigm-shifting...
I am already starting to experience unexpected profound changes in my day-to-day life, and I absolutely attribute it to this work. Kaya is an incredible teacher and guide. She created a space for my empowerment and peeling away layers of conditioning, guiding me, nearer and nearer to my core self and my authentic potential, which I hadn’t ever truly believed in until now... I have finally lost the need to seek outside all that is within myself... The training is coming to an end and I can feel it melt into my heart and soul, where it will stay forever. I won’t be able to forget a single word of what has been taught to us during these months. Yet at the same time I find no words to truly describe how thankful and blessed I feel to have been given this opportunity! It has enormously exceeded my expectations in so many ways that I would have never imagined.”
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this experience. I had NO CLUE it would take me on the journey it did. Through the journey of de-numbing I also had NO IDEA how much I was TURNING ON in myself! This process has shifted things in me that I didn’t even know needed shifting, showing me parts of myself I didn’t even know existed or were available! And on the other side of my pain,
I found my most pleasurable, innocent, playful, liberated self who no longer feels numb or ashamed of sensations in her body!
The amount of ALIVENESS I have unlocked in my being now courses through me! There has been a whole lot of grief, a whole lot of anger, a whole lot of fear and unworthiness as I’ve worked through trauma and the layers in my system. Yes it’s a journey of healing your nervous system, de-numbing and de-armoring your feeling body... And yes working with your stress responses, patterns, and uncovering hidden aspects can be painful. Yet on the other side of it, it’s equally if not even more pleasurable, playful and FUN AS HELL! And THAT isn’t spoken about enough! Through this process, I have found a deep love for my body, being, and total self! Training with Kaya is honestly the gift that keeps on giving! And it’s even sweeter I didn’t expect it to ENDLESSLY GIVE like this. The energy behind the entire Academy has impacted my entire being on deep deep levels. Not only did I find a new way of communing with my breath and body in more sacred ways, but my entire relationship with life and everything in it has changed for the better!”
“This was the most potent, powerful, and healing Training I have ever committed to in this life— and I have been through a lot of those kinds of journeys. Through this Training, so much ancient wisdom was surfaced, remembered, and revealed— both individually and collectively. Kaya is a true spirit guide and one of those incredibly rare souls who pierces the veils of the worlds - a star who has traversed the universes from before the beginning of time. Her wisdom is the ancient language of creation. She invites and inspires the essence that is within us all to awaken, rise, and be activated. Through the medicine of breath, beauty ways, and ancient and modern wisdom that she embodies, she brings forth a unique, nurturing energy in to the field where nothing is judged and everything is welcomed. A container of love and support to grow in was co-created both through her and her competent, heart-centered team.
My being has opened to yet another dimension. A spark within the heart has been ignited to this divine heritage that is for each and everyone of us holding space on our dear planet at this time. I am empowered to fulfill the next step of my soul’s calling, and to step forth together into this strong web we are weaving— a global community of space-holders, healers, way-showers, starseeds and paradigm-shifters, here to assist in the evolution of our precious planet. Kaya is a lighthouse with deep sincerity and wisdom and I highly recommend any training with her and Sacred Breath Academy.”
"Kaya’s approach is feminine and shamanic: it’s about approaching the body's intelligence and wisdom with tenderness, nurturance, sensuality, deep trust, and self-love. And it is about daring to dive deep within ourselves, feeling safe to reclaim all parts of who we are.
This training gave me all that I needed to prepare for the rites of passage of birthing my child and birthing myself as the mother that I dreamed to be...
My baby is now turning 5 months, and anytime I forget, I quickly go back to that precious pristine place that became so clear during the Training: I go back to Source, this cosmic place where my unborn baby and I were floating in total serenity and harmony with all the trees of the world, the stars of the universe, our ancestors, animal and spirit allies, and all of Life... During those mystical journeys, my unborn baby and I visited diverse astral realms, clearing together intergenerational, childhood and collective traumas. We also spent time envisioning the world we want to live in... When I nurse my baby I remember this sacred journey to my core... Today I trust myself and Life more than I ever have.”
“During this training, I was able to heal deep-seated past-life trauma. I saw myself being killed, abused & betrayed as a beautiful, powerful healer - a priestess - in many past lives. Over and over again. The journeys were deep, challenging, and, at times, brought me to my edges. It wasn't always an easy process. Yet this can be a part of the alchemy required to reclaim our fully liberated selves. Even though past-life trauma had never crossed my mind, I felt in every fiber of my being that what I experienced was true. And by clearing these past traumas out of my body and field, I soon began reclaiming my voice, my sensuality & sexuality. I awakened my kundalini energy, healing powers, and step by step, felt lighter and lighter. All the pieces of the puzzle were coming together. The only way out was through...
I’m still integrating this deep work— the transformation & shifts that happened— but what I’d like to say for now is this: I’m in awe, I’m in tears, I’m in joy. I’m in deep reverence. Before this work, I felt pretty damn solid spiritually and personally, but still wondered where did my “not so great” traits about myself come from? or why I held so much armoring around different parts of myself or my body? Now I have clarity.
To you Kaya— I am forever grateful. For you holding me in the most tender of spaces, seeing me when no one else really could, and being such an anchor and light on this path. This was, in earthly terms: fucking amazing. In kundalini terms: reawakening. And in soul terms: pure liberation.
I now feel unstoppable and I am so excited to see what else will unfold on this beautiful soul path called life!”
“I went to places within myself that I still don’t know how to put into words. I allowed this entire process to crack me wide open, again and again and again, illuminating all of the repressed textures that were still dimming my light. With the indescribable love and safety of those around me, I went right there, right into the depths of the deepest wounds, memories, belief structures and self-abandoning habits that were driving my life from my subconscious. I breathed into them, I dismantled them, I integrated so much wisdom and I reclaimed so much of my power.
To Kaya and the beautiful souls I took this journey with, thank you for showing me the infinite potential of the love that we can experience on this Earth plane and the sisterhood that is possible.
Thank you for your love, safety, your light and your willingness to show up beside me. I’ll hold your wisdom close to my heart for my whole lifetime.”
“This training has been the most amazing, soul-exposing, paradigm-shifting experiences of my life. I remembered so many truths, activated, initiated and realigned to my potential. It was magic!
Kaya, you are one of the most phenomenal teachers I’ve ever had the pleasure of sitting with. You embody truth, wisdom and purpose in a way that is authentic and healing to witness. You taught me that there is more than enough space in this world for me. You are a true leader, activator and collective healer.
I am so grateful! To my darling sisters that I took the journey with— I could not have chosen a better group women to walk this path with. I am so inspired by your courage to go deep and thank each and everyone one of you for holding me and allowing me to hold you. We wove a sacred web of truth together, ready to blanket the world. I’m bringing back the medicine: Soul medicine. Shadow-alchemizing, path-initiating, womb-clearing medicine.”
"We are part of the sensual dreaming of Gaia, and our inner and outer worlds are created to be experienced through enchantment, depth, and pleasure. This luminosity we sense in the vivid green of forest floors and the cathedral domes of treetops, which permeates all of life, is the embodiment of infinite creative waves of ecstatic cosmic sexuality emanating from the Great Womb."